Our Story ~

„Pushing the Frontiers of Education.“ 💪

Reading time: 3 minutes

6. July 2023

2017 – A Crazy Idea 🤯

In 2017, medical student Vojtěch Hrček embarked on a mission to change the rules of the game. With a desire to ease the preparation for medical school entrance exams for future students, he delved into the unknown and started working on a project that seemed crazy to many of his classmates. His vision led to the creation of the first version of an application called Cerebro, which means „brain“ in Latin (derived from the Latin word Cerebrum).

In 2017, the first version of the Cerebro app saw the light of day. This app offered two sections – „Study Room“ and „Correction.“ At that time, the Study Hall contained 2,500 model questions from biology, chemistry, and physics. Although the first version of the app did not have any groundbreaking features and was only available for mobile phones and tablets, it quickly became an indispensable helper for hundreds of students.

2019 – Expansion and Second Version of the App 🚀

After more than a year since the release of the first version, Cerebro became the preferred choice for over 1,000 students. With growing interest, it was evident that further development was needed. In 2019, the second version of the app was introduced, bringing many new features and improvements. This version of Cerebro included a computer version and a newly added section called „Analysis.“ Thanks to this section, students could compare their results and motivate each other to improve.

2020 – Pandemic and Gratitude to Healthcare Workers 🙏

In 2020, a pivotal moment arrived not only for Mercury Synergy but for the whole world. The COVID-19 pandemic led to the suspension of in-person education and a forced transition to distance learning. Mercury Synergy decided to provide assistance to students on a larger scale and introduced two new apps. The first one, Bubo, was aimed at students in humanities fields. The second app was Interna, created under the guidance of Martin Trnka, M.D., serving as an educational tool for medical students.

Mercury Synergy didn’t stand still. Tirelessly, it continued to develop and expand its portfolio with additional innovative applications. Alongside Cerebro, Bubo, and Interna, a new addition was introduced to the family. With deep gratitude for the tireless assistance and dedication of doctors, paramedics, and medical students in managing the pandemic, Mercury Synergy released the EKG app as an expression of gratitude. After the success of the EKG app in the Czech environment, an English version named InVivo was also made available to international users.

2023 – Rise of Artificial Intelligence and Hope for the Future 🤖🧠

In 2023, another milestone is reached in education. In addition to experienced teachers who tirelessly created educational content for the apps, artificial intelligence begins to play a role in the development of educational materials.

Mercury Synergy continues to evolve and plans many more updates, features, and expansions into other countries. The company has become a pillar of inspiration for other emerging e-learning platforms and believes it can contribute to a change in the world of education.

Our story continues to unfold, and we are proud to contribute to pushing the boundaries in education and inspiring new generations of students.


„Since 2017, our educational applications have become the preferred choice of tens of thousands of students. Every year, the number of downloads keeps increasing, which is evidence of the growing interest in our services. This popularity is a direct response from students who find value and assistance in our applications for their study preparation. We are truly thrilled to be able to contribute to the development of education and support students in this way. We would like to express our gratitude to all the students who have chosen to use our applications for their trust in us.“

On behalf of the entire team at Mercury Synergy s.r.o. – Vojtěch HRČEK, M.D. – 2023

👋 If you have any questions or need further information, don’t hesitate to contact us.info@mercurysynergy.com

We strive to respond to your inquiries as quickly as possible and typically provide a response within 24 hours. For contact with our customer service, you can reach us by calling the phone number: +420 605 357 091 (Mon-Fri, 09:00-14:00).│ Mercury Synergy s.r.o., Antonína Petrofa 2104/9, 500 09 Hradec Králové